
Glory House Recovery, Inc. Receives $700 Donation from Gershow

Pictured (left to right): Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams, Terenna Williams, and Jonathan Abrams.

Gershow Recycling presented a check in the amount of $700 to Glory House Recovery, Inc. The donation was used to help purchase hundreds of toys that were given out to the children in the community at the organization’s fourth annual Holiday of Giving & Information Expo on December 14, 2013 at Kennedy Memorial Park in Hempstead.

The Holiday of Giving & Information Expo provided holiday joy and entertainment to families in the communities. The event was co-hosted by Glory House Recovery, Inc. and The Office of Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams. Both Legislator Abrahams and Glory House Recovery thanked Gershow for its generous donation and continuing support of the community.

Gershow previously worked with Legislator Abrahams and Glory House Recovery Inc. during the 30th annual National Night Out event on August 6, 2013 at Cow Meadow Park in Freeport. Those who came by Gershow’s table learned how to recycle their unwanted scrap metal. They also received children’s activity books, literature on the company, recyclable shopping bags and magnetic key chains.

Contact Gershow for Long Island Recycling